Free as a bird

These days were very exciting and hectic around shooting portraits of a Dutch lawmaker (who works on crime in Europe) because of safety and location. Impressed by how he offer his (and his families) “free” life for this mission. Living/working with at least 3 Guardians 24/7. I am still in awe of the impact this has had on their lives. They pay quite a big price to bring their mission. And there are so many others with such a life!

Copyright Marjon Hoogervorst

When I get home I feel grounded again in my place, in the middle of the nature of the @ruigeweg with singing birds all over the place, the wind waves away all impressions. Blessed that I am allowed and able to live in freedom. ✌🏻

My mission is to tell personal stories with my photos. Life- and workstyle stories, mission statements. This is a different story than usual, but also a story about lifestyle and a mission statement. Which leave me with a deep respect for these people. 

This photocollage I made to tell my personal story and feelings about this happening.

I’m curious about the final story of Sune at the front page of Wall Street Journal soon! I enjoyed shooting this and hope they all are happy with the portraits. 

To be continued!


emPOWER MEnt shoot Design by Meyn


Workshop Cyanotype